Be a centre of excellence in Electrical and Electronics Engineering having strong learning and research environment, capable of making significant contributions for sustainable development.
To generate world-class engineers to meet challenges in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering through innovations and pursuit of new knowledge and make them ethically sound and professionally competent to provide service to the society.
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering offers Post Graduate program in Power Electronics.
Power Electronics is the study of switching electronic circuits in order to control the flow of electrical energy. Power Electronics is the technology behind switching Power supplies, Power converters, Power inverters, Motor drives, Motor soft starters etc..
The Post Graduate Programme (P.G) offered by the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department gives the graduate students a thorough understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects of Power Electronics engineering. The PG program includes courses in Mathematics, Control Systems, core subject areas and a wide range of elective subjects in power electronics, energy conversion technologies, power quality issues, FACTS etc. The core subject mainly deals with power converters with recent and emerging power switching devices, electrical machines and their control, measurement and processing of signals, signal processors, control systems and digital system design required to cater the needs of recent power electronic equipment’s. The program offers sufficient electives to enhance the knowledge of emerging techniques to optimize the designs.
Programme Educational Objectives (PEO’s)
1.To produce technically competent graduates in the field of power electronics, who can pursue a wide range of careers as engineers, consultants and academicians.
2. To motivate the students to adopt life- long learning with integrity and ethics and pursue research in the field of power electronics and its applications in renewable energy conversion, control, and industrial drives.
3.To produce power electronic engineers with enough confidence and leadership capabilities so as to become successful entrepreneurs.
4 To make the students think in a critical and evaluative manner in order to solve technical and non- technical problems.
Prgramme Outcomes (PO’s)
A. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering to conceptualize experiments, analyze data and utilize the same effectively in engineering practice.
B. Acquire skills to use modern simulation tools and digital hardware technology for modeling and prototyping of complex power electronic systems
C. Enhance research capabilities and demonstrate problem identification, analysis and synthesis skills.
D. Ability to demonstrate and design different types of converters and inverters .
E. Study the application of power electronic systems to improve the performance of power system.
F.Analyse, design and integrate various renewable sources to the power grid, to meet the energy demand.
G.Demonstrate knowledge of project management principles as an individual or as a team to execute project/ develop prototype successfully with due consideration of economical and financial factors.
H.Ability to comprehend and write reports and documentation to make effective presentation both oral and written.
I.Acquire professional ethical practices/ ethics of research, integrity, professional code of conduct.
J.Ability to engage in self- study and life-long learning independently, with a high level of enthusiasm and commitment to improve knowledge and competence continuously
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