Be a centre of excellence in Electrical and Electronics Engineering having strong learning and research environment, capable of making significant contributions for sustainable development.
To generate world-class engineers to meet challenges in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering through innovations and pursuit of new knowledge and make them ethically sound and professionally competent to provide service to the society.
The Department Library having around 3000 books, journals, periodicals, project reports, technical magazines etc… pertaining to various specialized topics in Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
The department has a full-fledged research laboratory. The lab provides facility to conduct experiments and research in various fields of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Currently research is going on in the area of Micro-grid, Smart-grid, Renewable Energy Sources, Power Electronics, Control Systems, Biomedical Engineering and Signal Processing. The lab is equipped with Solar grid tied system with MPPT,CYME Transmission line simulator, Wind emulator system, Energy meter testing station, Power quality Analyser, Twin-Rotor MIMO system, Inverter modules etc. Application softwares such as MATLAB, Mi-Power, ANSYS, NI-LABVIEW, PSIM and DSpace provides real time simulation environment. Advanced Processors and Controllers in the lab enable the research scholars to address latest issues in the modern world.
The Department has various well equipped Laboratories facilitating the U.G and P.G students. The various Laboratories Include the Electrical Machines Lab, Power Electronics Lab, Advanced Electrical Engg. Lab, Electronics Lab, Measurements Lab, Computer Lab etc. which possess the facilities & equipments to cope with the emerging technologies.
All class rooms in the department are now smart classes. The department offers sufficient intellectual and physical facilities for the research work of the students and faculties. The Department is an approved Research centre of Calicut University, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (KTU) and also QIP centre for Ph.D.
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