
Dean (PG Studies)
Dr. Ramesh A
94474 22303

Dean (UG Studies)
Dr. Jayan A R
81294 18002

Asst. Dean (UG Studies)
Prof. Helen K J
94463 52699

Fee Related Queries
Mr. Anilkumar P R
Jr. Supdt. Academic
94462 88894

Hostel Related Queries
Hostel Office
0487 2334195
Hostel Admission Guidelines

ETLAB Queries
Mr. Sebastian Sabu A A
Computer Programmer
94460 87321

Mr. Premkumar M P
Computer Programmer
94009 83091

Forms and FormatsNEW_100px

Authorization Letter
Physical Fitness Certificate
Undertaking form

Hostel Facility

College Hostel
Hostel Admission Form


M.Tech Spot Admission is scheduled to be conducted on 19/09/2024

Details will be published Soon


B.Tech/B.Arch College Spot on 13/09/2024

Registration Time 12.00 Noon to 2.30 PM

Provision Select List





Previous College



















































Rank List

Student who are studying Engineering colleges other than Government /  Government Aided  Engineering Colleges  must bring NOC (No Objection Certificate) from the present college in the prescribed proforma. 

Click here to download the College Spot NOC Form

 Click here to Proxy / Authorisation Form

Present Vacancy Position (Vacant seat may increase). All the vacancies arising after spot also filled the candidates from this spot rank list. In absents of reservation candidates the, quota seats will be converted to SM as per the CEE regulations.

Course Vacancy
CB-Cyber Physical Systems SC – 1
EC-Electronics and Communication Engg. SM-1, SC-1, MU-1
ME-Mechanical Engineering SM-1
CH-Chemical Engineering SM-1
EE-Electrical and Electronics Engg SM-1
PE-Production Engineering MU-1

 Important Notice

  • Candidates securing admission through spot allocation are required to pay all applicable fees to both the government fee and the college specific fee at the time of admission (approximate 20000/-).
  • No Objection Certificate (NOC) is not mandatory for the students from government-aided self financing colleges
  • All admitted candidates must submit their Transfer Certificate (TC) dated before 15/09/2024 by September 15, 2024. Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of the admission.

M.Tech Second Phase  Admission to M.Tech/M.Plan

M.Tech spot allotment is postponed to 19/09/2024

Click here to view list of documents and guidelines (NOC is applicable for SPOT admission only)

Students are directed to register in College portal and update all the details bring the registration form. Click here to register


Fees Details

  •  Fees can be paid in CASH or using GOOGLE PAY
  • General    Rs. 10, 470 
    SC/ST Rs. 2, 470

Institute spot to the expecting vacancies will be conducted on Thursday 19/09/2024. 

Centralized Spot Admission to B. Tech/ B.Arch

DTE Spot allotment is proposed to be conducted on 11/09/2024 from 8.00 AM to 12.00  at GEC Thrissur. 

Click Here for Detailed Notification by DTE

Student who are studying Engineering colleges other than Government /  Aided /Cost Sharing Engineering Colleges / IHRD/ CAPE/ CCE/SCT/CUSAT/LBS must bring NOC (No Objection Certificate) from the present college in the prescribed proforma. 

Click here to download the NOC Form

 Click here to Proxy / Authorisation Form

 Final Vacancy Position Published in CEE PortalCEE-Vacancy

 Select List Published. Scan the QR Code on Option Sheet

B.Tech Third Phase Allotment and Admission from 07/09/2024 to 10/09/2024

For the smooth conduction of admission, the following arrangements are made
Candidates leaving GEC Thrissur based on the 3rd allotment list published on 06/09/24 can collect their TFS document on 7th and 8th September.
Candidates coming to GEC Thrissur for joining may report on 9th and 10th September with all relevant documents.

Third Phase allotment processed and published in the CEE candidate portal. 

Click here CEE   Notification  

Candidates are directed to download the new allotment memo (must keep the same for future use)

For the smooth conduction of admission, the following arrangements are made:

Candidates leaving GEC Thrissur based on the 3rd allotment list published today can collect their TFS document on 7th and 8th September.

Candidates coming to GEC Thrissur for joining may report on 9th and 10th September with all relevant documents.

Branch / Quota Change students contact Office on 09/09/2024  with new allotment memo and old admission slip to collect new Admission slip

New admission candidates should follow the procedure below

Before proceeding to college

  1. Please keep all the documents in original ready and in order as per the list given below.
  2. Fill in the details in registration link and take a printout of registration form (Click here to register in College Portal)
    1. Plus two marks is to be entered as you entered in the CEE Data Sheet
    2. Admitted Category should same as the allotment memo
    3. Eligible Category should be your category
  3. Pay CEE fee as per the CEE website and take the printout  the receipt
  4. As far as possible, please keep hard copies of the duly filled College registration form, Anti ragging affidavit, Undertaking by the Candidate and “Declaration” form signed by the student and parent (This will save your time during admission process. (Forms available in this page or along with registration form downloaded) 

On the admission day at college

  1. Candidate and parent/guardian should report to the registration counter at venue as per the schedule and obtain token
  2. Follow the instruction given by the registration desk.
  3. As far as possible, take admission on the day allotted for you. Don’t wait for the last day. In case you have to submit some missing documents, you will get time, if admission is taken on the allotted day.

Documents to be Produced at the Time of Admission (Click here to download)

  1. Admit card (2 copies)
  2. 3rd Phase Allotment Memo issued by the CEE. (2 copies)
  3. B-Tech Data sheet of KEAM 2024. (2 copies)
  4. NATA Score Card (for B-Arch admission only)
  5. Receipt of fee remitted at KEAM.
  6. SSLC Certificate or equivalent (2 copies attested by a gazette officer)
  7. Certificate to prove date of birth.
  8. Plus-Two Certificate or equivalent (2 copies attested by a gazette officer)
  9. Transfer Certificate in original
  10. Conduct Certificate from the Institution last attended (valid only for 6 months from the date of issue) or Conduct certificate attested by a gazette officer(after the expiry of the validity of the original Conduct Certificate)
  11. Migration Certificate, (for students other than Kerala state syllabus)
  12. Caste certificate, if applicable(validity is for 3 years from the date of issue)
  13. Income Certificate, if applicable(validity is for 1 year from the date of issue)
  14. Physical Fitness Certificate from a registered doctor not less than the rank of Asst. Surgeon (KEAM Prospectus -2024- Annexure form XVII (b))
  15. Filled Affidavit and Undertaking forms (format given below)
  16. Non-creamy layer certificate, if applicable.
  17. Documents uploaded for reservation category (NCC, Sports & handicapped etc.)
  18. Passport size photo 2. Nos (With name and branch of candidates written behind it)
  19. Any other documents required in the allotment Memo/Notification
  20. Authorization Letter if any (Should be in the prescribed format, Annexure XIX of KEAM Prospectus 2024)

 Forms Download links

  1. Authorisation form format
  2. Physical Fitness format
  3. Under taking format
  4. Affidavit format

Fees Details

  •  Fees can be paid in CASH or using GOOGLE PAY
  • General    Rs. 10, 470 
    SC/ST Rs. 2, 470

MCA Spot Admission on 02/09/2024

Spot admission to the existing vacancies (Initial Vacancy: SM-1, EWS-1) is scheduled to be conducted on 02/09/2024.

Select List

Sl. Name Rank Quota
1 Hridhika Biju (Token 12) 143 SM
2 Anusree (Token 13) 909 EWS

Registration time 10.00 AM to 12.00 Noon.

NOC in prescribed proforma or TC is mandatory for the students other than MCA students students admitted in Government or Government Aided Colleges.

Click here to read the notification and Guidelines

B.Tech 2024-25 Regular Admission ( 21st to 27th August 2024)

Important Notice Regarding Higher Option registration

Higher option registration is active in the CEE portal and the last date is 26/08/2024 11.00AM . Next allotment is on 28th August 2024. There are some changes in the procedure. So please read the notification published in the CEE website carefully.

Venue : Gloria Gopikumar Hall (Western Amphi), Main Building, near exit gate

Welcome to GEC Thrissur

B.Tech / B.Arch Second allotment published in CEE portal. We have made all arrangements for the admission of candidates as per the schedule. Detailed information and instructions for the admission process can be found on this page only. The page also gives access to various forms needed for admission. Candidates who have an allotment should take a printout of Allotment Memo and Data Sheet from the Portal (Both are now made available in the CEE Portal). The Allotment Memo available in this phase will not be available later. Hence, candidate shall have to keep copy of the Allotment Memo and Data Sheet for KTU registration purpose.  Keep visiting this page as well as we will communicate to your registered mail id from (please check spam also for some days)


Information & Instructions to Candidates

CEE Notification                        CEE അറിയിപ്പ്

Before proceeding to college

  1. Please keep all the documents in original ready and in order as per the list given below.
  2. Fill in the details in registration link and take a printout of registration form (Click here to register in College Portal)
    1. Plus two marks is to be entered as you entered in the CEE Data Sheet
    2. Admitted Category should same as the allotment memo
    3. Eligible Category should be your category
  3. Pay CEE fee as per the CEE website and take the printout  the receipt
  4. As far as possible, please keep hard copies of the duly filled College registration form, Anti ragging affidavit, Undertaking by the Candidate and “Declaration” form signed by the student and parent (This will save your time during admission process. (Forms available in this page or along with registration form downloaded) 

On the admission day at college

  1. Candidate and parent/guardian should report to the registration counter at venue as per the schedule and obtain token
  2. Follow the instruction given by the registration desk.
  3. As far as possible, take admission on the day allotted for you. Don’t wait for the last day. In case you have to submit some missing documents, you will get time, if admission is taken on the allotted day.

Schedule for admission (Click here to download Schedule)

Day and Date Fornoon 8.30am – 1.00 pm Afternoon 1.00pm to 4.00 pm

   B.Arch   : 21/08/2024 8.30AM to 24/08/2024 3.00PM

 21.08.2024 Wed

Computer Science and Engineering(CS)   Cyber Physical Systems (CB)
 22.08.2024 Thu  Electronics and Communication Engineering (EC) Production Engineering (PE)
23.08.2024 Fri Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EE) Chemical Engineering (CH)
24.08.2024 Sat Mechanical Engineering (ME)  
27.08.2024 Tue Civil Engineering (CE)  


Documents to be Produced at the Time of Admission (Click here to download)

  1. Admit card (2 copies)
  2. 2nd Allotment Memo issued by the CEE. (2 copies)
  3. B-Tech Data sheet of KEAM 2024. (2 copies)
  4. NATA Score Card (for B-Arch admission only)
  5. Receipt of fee remitted at KEAM.
  6. SSLC Certificate or equivalent (2 copies attested by a gazette officer)
  7. Certificate to prove date of birth.
  8. Plus-Two Certificate or equivalent (2 copies attested by a gazette officer)
  9. Transfer Certificate in original
  10. Conduct Certificate from the Institution last attended (valid only for 6 months from the date of issue) or Conduct certificate attested by a gazette officer(after the expiry of the validity of the original Conduct Certificate)
  11. Migration Certificate, (for students other than Kerala state syllabus)
  12. Caste certificate, if applicable(validity is for 3 years from the date of issue)
  13. Income Certificate, if applicable(validity is for 1 year from the date of issue)
  14. Physical Fitness Certificate from a registered doctor not less than the rank of Asst. Surgeon (KEAM Prospectus -2024- Annexure form XVII (b))
  15. Filled Affidavit and Undertaking forms (format given below)
  16. Non-creamy layer certificate, if applicable.
  17. Documents uploaded for reservation category (NCC, Sports & handicapped etc.)
  18. Passport size photo 2. Nos (With name and branch of candidates written behind it)
  19. Any other documents required in the allotment Memo/Notification
  20. Authorization Letter if any (Should be in the prescribed format, Annexure XIX of KEAM Prospectus 2024)

 Forms Download links

  1. Authorisation form format
  2. Physical Fitness format
  3. Under taking format
  4. Affidavit format

Fees Details

  •  Fees can be paid in CASH or using GOOGLE PAY
  • General    Rs. 10, 470 
    SC/ST Rs. 2, 470


Hostel Admission Guidelines (click here to view details)

MCA Regular Admission 2024-25 

Admission is scheduled to be conducted on Friday, 09/08/2024 , 9.30 AM Onwards 

Venue : Conference Hall, Main Building, GEC Thrissur

All the candidates are requested to Register in College Portal and bring the registration form (All pages)

Click Here to Register

Details of documents to be produced at the time of admission

Fees (GPAY or CASH)

SC/ST : Rs. 2,660/-               Others : Rs. 10, 660/-

 BTech Regular Admission 2024-25 

Trial Allotment list published in CEE Website

 BTech LET Admission 2024-25 (10 AM to 3 PM) 

B.Tech LET Admission will  be conducted from  29th July to 31st July 2024 (Time 10.00AM to 3.00 PM). Candidates are advised to visit admission portal after the allotment and follow the fee payment procedure. Then register in the college portal using the below given link and take the printout. 

Documents to be submitted/Produced during admission

  • Latest Allotment Memo (2 Copies)
  • Admit Card (2 Copies)
  • Original Fee Receipt of LBS
  • Original of SSLC with 2 copies attested by Gazatted officer 
  • Original and 2 Gazetted officer attested copies of Diploma Certificate and Mark list
  • Certificate to prove Date of Birth (SSLC, Birth Certificate or Passport)
  • Certificate to prove Nativity (Nativity Certificate, SSLC, Birth Certificate or Indian Passport)
  • Non Creamy layer certificate for State use (If the admission is under OBC)
  • EWS certificate if applicable
  • Community Certificate if applicable
  • Income certificate (if the income is below 1 lakh)
  • Original TC
  • Valid original conduct certificate (Validity 6 Months)
  • Physical Fitness certificate in the prescribed format
  • Migration certificate if applicable
  • Passport size photo 2 Nos
  • Affidavit and Undertaking in the prescribed format (available below)

Link for Online Registration

Helpdesk, Data Entry and Printout Facilities are available at the Central Computing Facility (CCF) of the College. Candidates can avail the facility without any fees

Take the print out of Affidavit and Undertaking forms given below.

Link for Affidavit

Link for Undertaking

  • An amount of Rs. 10,000/- (Approx.) would be needed during the admission process.