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Central Library


The Central Library is located in the main campus of the college in a three-storey building with adequate furniture and equipment suitable for advanced library and information service. The library has a growing collection of 68818 books in various branches of Engineering, Technology and Sciences.The bibliographic records of book in the library can be accessed through the online OPAC.Which help the users to know the holdings of the library and availability of library resource.The library has acquired all the basic Hardware and Software systems essential for modern library and information services.The library is fully computerized using an integrated multi-user library management system Koha.The package supports all the in-house operations of the library.

Library Building

       The present library building was donated by PTA of this College. The plinth area of library is 1103.3m2.The library provides more than 150 seating for users in Reference, Stack and News paper Sections.

Library Timing

        Library will remain open from 10 AM to 5 PM on all working days.

Sections of the Library

1.Circulation Section

      Books  are issued from the circulation section for a period of 14 days to all the students and staff members.They can renew the books two times provided if the book is not reserved by any other user.The reserved as well as overdue books will not be renewed.The fine @ Rs.1/-per day will be collected from defaulters. The penal cost of the irrecoverably lost books is 3 to 10 times the actual cost of the books subject to the date of publication. The fine to defaulters and penal cost will be reviewed as per the direction of Government and DTE from time to time.

2.  Reference Section

        a) A collection 4860 of books on technology are available in the library for reference. Books and Journals will not be permitted to taken out from the reference section. Identity Card is compulsory for using the library facilities. Students and Staff are required to enter their names and reference details in the register kept in the reference section for that purpose.

         b) This library also host  R.P.R. Nair Educational Trust Reference Section, which was contributed by old students in honor of Dr.R.P.R. Nair, who retired as a post graduate professor in Civil Engineering Department in 1988.     

3. Book Bank Section

           This section can be divided in to  two categories :-

      a) Lilly Varkey Memorial Book Bank for low-income group students

          This Book Bank Section is created for lending books on semester basis to low- income students/SEBC students of this college. The list of such students is selected from the College Office with fixed criteria. The books of the above categories can be kept by the readers in the required period. Maximum Three  Books will be  issued to the students according to the rules prescribed.

      b) Book Bank for SC/ST students

              Five books will be issued on semester basis to SC/ST students from this section. The books of the above categories can be kept by the readers in the required period. After concerned examination they are requested to return the books belonging to above categories.

Membership Details

      Identity Card is compulsory for using library facilities. Students and staff are required to enter their name and reference details in the register kept in the Counter. Students and staff can be taken books from the central library on any working days. Borrowers Tickets issued to a member is not transferrable. The maximum number of books to be borrowed from the library is limited as follows:-

                                    B .Tech students              – 3 Books

                                    PG Students                     – 5 Books

                                    Research Scholars           – 5 Books

                                    Non-teaching Staff          – 4 Books

                                    Faculty                               – 10 Books

Library Services

    The library has a growing collection of 68450 books in various branches Engineering, Technology and Sciences.


      The bibliographic record of the books in the library can be accessed through the online OPAC ( .An interactive LED display panel is used for OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue).    

 2.(a) KOHA

        Library is fully computerized using an integrated multi user library management system. It will supports all the in-house operations of the library.

     (b) DDC

         Reading materials are classified according to Dewey Decimal   Classification and barcode labeled.

 3. Book Circulation

       Approximately 40 to 50 thousand books are being borrowed by the readers annually.

4.General Reading

  For General reading,



                   1. Malayala Manorama 
                   2. Mathrubhumi


                  1. The Hindu
                  2. Indian Express


                 1. India Today
                 2. The Week
                 3. Employment news
                 4. Thozhil Vartha
                 5. Thozhil Veedhi

5. NDL

     Every year students and staffs are registered in the National Digital Library

 6. Reservation of books

      If relevant details are given in writing to the issue and return section a book already in issue to another member can be reserved. When the reserved book is returned, it will be kept in the library up to one week for a reserved person.

 7. Issue of non-liability certificate

       The non liability certificate from the library issued on the request of the borrower. When they discontinued from the membership of the library, the liabilities towards the borrower should be settled before applying for the NLC.They should also returned the readers tickets.