
Dean (PG Studies)
Dr. Ramesh A
94474 22303

Dean (UG Studies)
Dr. Jayan A R
81294 18002

Asst. Dean (UG Studies)
Prof. Helen K J
94463 52699

Fee Related Queries
Mr. Anilkumar P R
Jr. Supdt. Academic
94462 88894

Hostel Related Queries
Hostel Office
0487 2334195
Hostel Admission Guidelines

ETLAB Queries
Mr. Sebastian Sabu A A
Computer Programmer
94460 87321

Mr. Premkumar M P
Computer Programmer
94009 83091

Forms and FormatsNEW_100px

Authorization Letter
Physical Fitness Certificate
Undertaking form

Hostel Facility

College Hostel
Hostel Admission Form


B.Tech/LET College Spot Admission on 28/10/2023

Venue : Eastern Amphi, Main Building

Time of Registration 9.30 AM to 11.00 AM

Spot allotment to the  existing vacancies and expected vacancies is scheduled to be conducted on 28/10/2023. 

Provisional Select List new1

Provisional Rank list 



Important Instructions


College Level Spot Admission to B.Tech / M.Tech Programmes

Provisional Select list puClick here to downloadblished.

Selected students are directed to complete the data entry in the campus management platform (   ) and report academic section of the administrative office with the printout of the registration form. You can use the facilities at CCF (Central Computing Facility) of college.

As per the direction of Hon. Supreme Court and DTE, the Spot admission to B.Tech and M.Tech courses will be conducted on 28th and 26th respectively (Tentative Dates). The details vacancy and guidelines will be published soon here. Keep visiting the website for updates.

M.Tech Spot Admission 26/10/2023

Venue : Western Amphi Theatre (Gloria Gopi Hall)

Time for Registration : 9.30 AM to 11.00 AM 

The candidates have to report at the Western Amphi (Gloria Gopikumar Hall, Main Building) of GEC Thrissur and register for the process. The registration will be allowed from 9.30 am to 11.00 am only on the day of spot admission.


Guidelines and Documents list

Candidates who are already admitted to self-financing colleges(other than Govt/Aided/Govt Controlled Self Finance Colleges) based on earlier allotments should bring the No Objection Certificate(NOC), (Sample format is attached) specifying that the institute has no objection to the candidate participating the spot admission process and that in the event of candidate getting a selection, the institute is willing to issue the TC to the candidate.

Candidates should bring all the required certificates in original. If the candidate is not able to appear in person, the Authorization Letter should be produced in the prescribed format.

The admitted candidates should remit the fee of Rs. 12242./- (Eleven Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty only) at the institute on the same day. In addition to this, the college PTA fund, Co-op Society membership fee etc(Total Rs.10000/- Rupees )are to be paid extra on the same day.


B.Tech College Spot Admission on 28.10.2023


One more SM vacancy added to ECE 

Keep visiting the site for further updates

 B.Arch College Spot Admission on 28/09/2023

Time 9.00 AM to 11.00 AM

Spot allotment to the  existing one Vacancy in B.Arch  is scheduled to be conducted on 28/09/2023.

  • Candidates should be included in KEAM Rank list 2023 with valid NATA Score
  • Please see the guidelines of college spot given below and follow the same


B.Tech College Spot Admission on 14/09/202

Venue : Western Amphi (Gloria Gopikumar Hall), Main Building

Time 9.00 AM to 12.00 Noon

Spot allotment to the  existing vacancies (CE-SM 1, EEE – SM 1, PE – SM 1) is scheduled to be conducted on 14/09/2023. Click here to read notification

Important Instructions

  • The Registration time will be 9.00 AM to 12.00 Noon
  • Candidates should be included in KEAM Rank list 2023
  • All the candidates who took admission in any educational institution except the Government/Government Aided  Engineering Colleges or Govt. Cost sharing Engineering colleges (CAPE/LBS/IHRD/CCE/SCT) must produce NOC in the prescribed proforma (click here to download the format) in the college letter head specifying that the institute has no objection to the candidate participating the spot admission process on 14.09.23 at GEC Thrissur and that in the event of candidate getting a selection, the institute is willing to issue the TC to the candidate..
  • Candidates who are already admitted to any of the Govt./Govt. Aided Engineering Colleges
    can register and attend the process with their Admission Slip(obtained from the college)
  • Candidates who are already admitted to any of the institution other than the above mentioned colleges  should bring their Admission Slip along with NOC obtained from the concerned college.
  • All other students must produce the documents given in the below given list.
  • The admitted candidates including one who already taken admission should remit the fee of Rs.8650/- + Rs. 1000/- CD  (Rs. 1000/ CD for SC/ST ) at the institute on the same day. In addition to this, the college PTA fund, Bus fee, Co-op Society membership fee etc.(as per the norms of the institute to which allotment is obtained)are to be paid extra. The amount paid to CEE will be refunded to your account.
  • List of documents to be produced by the new students (Exact number of copies of certificates and other requirements are mentioned in the above given DTE notification)
    1. B-Tech Data sheet of KEAM 2023. 
    2. NATA Score Card ( for B-Arch admission only)
    3. SSLC Certificate or equivalent 
    4. Plus Two Certificate or equivalent 
    5. Transfer Certificate in original or NOC
    6. Conduct Certificate from the Institution last attended (valid only for 6 months from the date of issue) or Conduct certificate attested by a gazette officer( after the expiry of the validity of the original Conduct Certificate)
    7. Migration Certificate, (for students other than Kerala state syllabus)
    8. Caste certificate, if applicable.(validity is for 3 years from the date of issue)
    9. Income Certificate, if applicable.( validity is for 1 year from the date of issue)
    10. Physical Fitness Certificate from a registered doctor not less than the rank of Asst. Surgeon ( KEAM Prospectus -2023- Annexure form XVII (b) )
    11. Filled Affidavit and Undertaking forms (format available in college website)
    12. Non-creamy layer certificate, if applicable.
    13. Documents uploaded for special reservation category (NCC, Sports & handicapped etc.)
    14. Passport size photo 2. Nos 
    15. Any other documents required in the allotment Notification
    16. If the student is not able to attend physically, then Authorization Letter  (Should be in the prescribed format, Annexure XIX of KEAM Prospectus 2023  click here to download the formatmust be produced


M.Tech/M.Plan College level Spot Admission on 12/09/2023

Provisional Select list after spot allotment

M.Tech/M.Plan Spot Admission is scheduled to be conducted on 12/09/2023. 


As per the direction from DTE , The spot admission to the vacant seats in Govt. Engg. College Thrissur will be held on 12.09.2023 as per the norms of DTE Kerala.

The candidates have to report at the Western Amphi (Gloria Gopikumar Hall, Main Building) of GEC Thrissur and register for the process. The registration will be allowed from 9.00 am to 11.00 am only on the day of spot admission.

Candidates who are already admitted to self-financing colleges(other than Govt/Aided/Govt Controlled Self Finance Colleges) based on earlier allotments should bring the No Objection Certificate(NOC), (Sample format is attached) specifying that the institute has no objection to the candidate participating the spot admission process and that in the event of candidate getting a selection, the institute is willing to issue the TC to the candidate.

Candidates should bring all the required certificates in original. If the candidate is not able to appear in person, the Authorization Letter should be produced in the prescribed format.

The admitted candidates should remit the fee of Rs11730./- (Eleven Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty only) at the institute on the same day. In addition to this, the college PTA fund, Co-op Society membership fee etc(Total Rs.10000/- Rupees )are to be paid extra on the same day.

Further Instructions if any will be published on 11/09/2023. So please keep visiting this page

MCA Spot Admission to existing EWS Vacancy (in the absence of EWS candidate the seat will be converted to SM)  is scheduled to be conducted on 07/09/2023. Click here for the details

Commencement of First year Classesnew1

B.Tech / B.Arch : All the first year  students of 2023 admission should report for the orientation program at the respective departments at 10.00 am on 07.09.23 along with parent.  Students are informed to carry two passport size photographs to keep in the official student record. There is special session arranged for parents at College Auditorium after department sessions.

  • Mechanical Engineering Department B.Tech First year Orientation for students and parents is scheduled on 07/09/2023, Thursday, 10.00 am at Gloria Gopikumar Memorial  Alumni Hall, Main block, Ground Floor.

M.Tech/M/Plan : All the first year MTECH students of 2023 admission should report for the orientation program at the respective departments at 11.00 am on 07.09.23 along with parent.  Students are informed to carry two passport size photographs to keep in the official student record.

new13rd Phase Allotment and Admission 05.09.23 to 08.09.2023new1


Date of Admission 05.09.2023 to 08.09.2023  3 PM

Admission Venue : Eastern Amphi, Ground Floor, Main building, GEC Thrissur


B.Tech / B.Arch Third Phase allotment published in CEE portal.  Candidates who have an allotment should take a printout of Allotment Memo and Data Sheet from the Portal. The Allotment Memo available in this phase will not be available later. Hence, candidate shall have to keep copy of the Allotment Memo and Data Sheet for KTU registration purpose. Students who were joined some other colleges have to collect the TFS and certificates form the previously joined college.

Read the CEE Notification ( വിജ്ഞാപനം ) in this regard

Documents to be Produced at the Time of Admission

Refer Clause No. 11.7.1 of KEAM Prospectus 2023-24

Click here to view the notification

  1. Admit card (2 copies)
  2. Third Phase Allotment Memo issued by the CEE. (2 copies)
  3. B-Tech Data sheet of KEAM 2023. (2 copies)
  4. NATA Score Card ( for B-Arch admission only)
  5. Receipt of fee remitted at KEAM.
  6. SSLC Certificate or equivalent (2 copies attested by a gazette officer)
  7. Plus Two Certificate or equivalent (2 copies attested by a gazette officer)
  8. Transfer Certificate in original
  9. Conduct Certificate from the Institution last attended (valid only for 6 months from the date of issue) or Conduct certificate attested by a gazette officer( after the expiry of the validity of the original Conduct Certificate)
  10. Migration Certificate, (for students other than Kerala state syllabus)
  11. Caste certificate, if applicable.(validity is for 3 years from the date of issue)
  12. Income Certificate, if applicable.( validity is for 1 year from the date of issue)
  13. Physical Fitness Certificate from a registered doctor not less than the rank of Asst. Surgeon ( KEAM Prospectus -2023- Annexure form XVII (b) )
  14. Filled Affidavit and Undertaking forms (format available in college website)
  15. Non-creamy layer certificate, if applicable.
  16. Documents uploaded for reservation category (NCC, Sports & handicapped etc.)
  17. Passport size photo 2. Nos (With name and branch of candidates written behind it)
  18. Any other documents required in the allotment Memo/Notification
  19. Authorization Letter if any (Should be in the prescribed format, Annexure XIX of KEAM Prospectus 2023)
  • An amount of Rs. 10,000/- (Approx.) would be needed during the admission process.


Date of Admission 05.09.2023 to 09.09.2023  1.00 PM

Admission Venue : Principal’s Conference Room, Main building, GEC Thrissur

M.Tech Admission is scheduled to be conducted from 22nd to 24th of August 2023. Candidates are advised to visit DTE admission portal and follow the fee payment procedure. Then register in the college portal using the below given link and take the printout. 

Documents to be submitted during admission

Original Certificates to be Produced at the time of Admission for Verification

  1. SSLC or equivalent
  2. Engineering Degree certificate and all Mark lists
  3. Diploma Certificate and all Mark list for LET Students.

Attested copies of Certificates to be submitted at the time of admission

  1. SSLC or equivalent (Attested by the Gazetted officer)
  2. Engineering Degree certificate and all Mark lists (Attested by the Gazetted officer)
  3. Diploma Certificate and all Mark list for LET Students. (Attested by the Gazetted officer)
  4. Second Phase Allotment Memo  and Data Sheet
  5. GATE Score Card (for Candidate with valid Gate Score)

Original Certificates to be Submitted at the Time of Admission

  1. TC and CC from the institution last attended
  2. Nativity Certificate for Non-Gate students
  3. Non-Creamy Layer Certificate, if applicable
  4. Community Certificate, if applicable
  5. EWS Certificate, if applicable
  6. Migration Certificate, if applicable
  7. Physical Fitness Certificate
  8. Receipt of Fee payment
  9. Sponsorship Certificate and related documents (for Sponsored candidates)
  10. Differently abled certificate, if applicable
  11. Passport size Photograph
  12. Equivalency Certificate from KTU (for Graduates from other foreign universities)
  13. Any other relevant documents if any specified in MTech Prospectus
  14. NOC to be produced by the students who are coming from other than Govt and Aided Engineering Colleges




  • B.Tech Centralised Spot admission to the Government and Government aided colleges  is proposed to be conducted on 10/09/2023 at Government Engineering College Thrissur. Keep visiting website for more details 
    • Candidates from colleges other than Government and Government Aided Engineering colleges (Govt. / Govt. Aided Engineering College and CAPE/LBS/IHRD/CCE/SCT) should bring a NOC from concerned head of Institutions (Click here for the NOC format). If the candidates not taken any admission, they have to produce original TC and CC during time of SPOT itself.
  • M.Tech Online Spot is proposed to be conducted on 04/09/2023. Details will be published soon
  • M.Tech College level spot (in case of vacancies after central spot) is proposed to be conducted on 12/09/2023


 BTech LET Admission 2023-24 (10AM to 4PM) new1

B.Tech LET Admission is proposed to be conducted from 1st and 2nd of September 2023 (Time 10.00AM to 4.00 PM). Candidates are advised to visit admission portal after the allotment and follow the fee payment procedure. Then register in the college portal using the below given link and take the printout. 

Documents to be submitted/Produced during admission

  • Latest Allotment Memo (2 Copies)
  • Admit Card (2 Copies)
  • Original Fee Receipt of LBS
  • Original of SSLC with 2 copies attested by Gazatted officer 
  • Original and 2 Gazetted officer attested copies of Diploma Certificate and Mark list
  • Certificate to prove Date of Birth (SSLC, Birth Certificate or Passport)
  • Certificate to prove Nativity (Nativity Certificate, SSLC, Birth Certificate or Indian Passport)
  • Non Creamy layer certificate for State use (If the admission is under OBC)
  • EWS certificate if applicable
  • Community Certificate if applicable
  • Income certificate (if the income is below 1 lakh)
  • Original TC
  • Valid original conduct certificate (Validity 6 Months)
  • Physical Fitness certificate in the prescribed format
  • Migration certificate if applicable
  • Passport size photo 2 Nos
  • Affidavit and Undertaking in the prescribed format (available below)

Link for Online Registration

Helpdesk, Data Entry and Printout Facilities are available at the Central Computing Facility (CCF) of the College. Candidates can avail the facility without any fees

Take the print out of Affidavit and Undertaking forms given below.

Link for Affidavit

Link for Undertaking

  • An amount of Rs. 10,000/- (Approx.) would be needed during the admission process.


Online Spot Allotment. Click here for the notification 

Vacancy Position

2023082501spotnotification mtechvacancy

M.Tech Admission is scheduled to be conducted from 22nd to 24th of August 2023. Candidates are advised to visit DTE admission portal and follow the fee payment procedure. Then register in the college portal using the below given link and take the printout. 

Documents to be submitted during admission

Original Certificates to be Produced at the time of Admission for Verification

  1. SSLC or equivalent
  2. Engineering Degree certificate and all Mark lists
  3. Diploma Certificate and all Mark list for LET Students.

Attested copies of Certificates to be submitted at the time of admission

  1. SSLC or equivalent (Attested by the Gazetted officer)
  2. Engineering Degree certificate and all Mark lists (Attested by the Gazetted officer)
  3. Diploma Certificate and all Mark list for LET Students. (Attested by the Gazetted officer)
  4. Second Phase Allotment Memo  and Data Sheet
  5. GATE Score Card (for Candidate with valid Gate Score)

Original Certificates to be Submitted at the Time of Admission

  1. TC and CC from the institution last attended
  2. Nativity Certificate for Non-Gate students
  3. Non-Creamy Layer Certificate, if applicable
  4. Community Certificate, if applicable
  5. EWS Certificate, if applicable
  6. Migration Certificate, if applicable
  7. Physical Fitness Certificate
  8. Receipt of Fee payment
  9. Sponsorship Certificate and related documents (for Sponsored candidates)
  10. Differently abled certificate, if applicable
  11. Passport size Photograph
  12. Equivalency Certificate from KTU (for Graduates from other foreign universities)
  13. Any other relevant documents if any specified in MTech Prospectus

Schedule for Admission


Link for registering College Portal

DTE Notification

Select list extract from DTE Website

Helpdesk, Data Entry and Printout Facilities are available at the Central Computing Facility (CCF) of the College. Candidates can avail the facility without any fees

Take the print out of Affidavit and Undertaking forms given below.

Link for Affidavit

Link for Undertaking

  • An amount of Rs. 10,000/- (Approx.) would be needed during the admission process.

Second Phase Allotment and Admission (14th to 19th August 2023

Vacancy after 2nd Phase Allotment and Admission


Date of Admission 14/08/2023 to  19/08/2023, 3 PM

Admission Venue : Millenium Auditorium, GEC Thrissur

The admission process starts at 9.30 AM on 14/08/2023 and closes at 3 PM on 19/08/2023 according to the schedule given below

B.Tech / B.Arch Second allotment published in CEE portal.  Candidates who have an allotment should take a printout of Allotment Memo and Data Sheet from the Portal. The Allotment Memo available in this phase will not be available later. Hence, candidate shall have to keep copy of the Allotment Memo and Data Sheet for KTU registration purpose

Notification in English  വിജ്ഞാപനം

One who got allotment in GEC Thrissur click here to register and upload the details  in College portal. Take the printout of the registration form and bring the printout at time of admission.
Link for B.Tech/B.Arch Admission Registration

Helpdesk, Data Entry and Printout Facilities are available at the Central Computing Facility (CCF) of the College. Candidates can avail the facility without any fees

Take the print out of Affidavit and Undertaking forms given below.

Link for Affidavit

Link for Undertaking

Admission Schedule 
Candidates are directed to report the token counter (Auditorium) by 9.00 AM and 1.00 PM respectively

Token will be issued only to those who have the print out of the registration form


14/08/2023 Monday 9.30AM – 12.30 PM : Electronics and Communication Engineering 
1.00PM – 4.00 PM:  Computer Science and Engineering
16/08/2023 Wednesday 9.30AM – 12.30 PM : Electrical and Electronics  Engineering 
1.00PM – 4.00 PM: Production Engineering
17/08/2023 Thursday 9.30AM – 12.30 PM : Mechanical  Engineering 
1.00PM – 4.00 PM:  Mechanical Engineering
18/08/2023 Friday 9.30AM – 12.30 PM : Civil  Engineering 
1.00PM – 4.00 PM: Chemical Engineering
19/08/2023 Saturday 9.30AM – 3.00 PM : Architecture &
                                Candidates who were absent on the scheduled day



Documents to be Produced at the Time of Admission

Refer Clause No. 11.7.1 of KEAM Prospectus 2023-24

Click here to view the notification

  1. Admit card (2 copies)
  2. Allotment Memo issued by the CEE. (2 copies)
  3. B-Tech Data sheet of KEAM 2023. (2 copies)
  4. NATA Score Card ( for B-Arch admission only)
  5. Receipt of fee remitted at KEAM.
  6. SSLC Certificate or equivalent (2 copies attested by a gazette officer)
  7. Plus Two Certificate or equivalent (2 copies attested by a gazette officer)
  8. Transfer Certificate in original
  9. Conduct Certificate from the Institution last attended (valid only for 6 months from the date of issue) or Conduct certificate attested by a gazette officer( after the expiry of the validity of the original Conduct Certificate)
  10. Migration Certificate, (for students other than Kerala state syllabus)
  11. Caste certificate, if applicable.(validity is for 3 years from the date of issue)
  12. Income Certificate, if applicable.( validity is for 1 year from the date of issue)
  13. Physical Fitness Certificate from a registered doctor not less than the rank of Asst. Surgeon ( KEAM Prospectus -2023- Annexure form XVII (b) )
  14. Filled Affidavit and Undertaking forms (format available in college website)
  15. Non-creamy layer certificate, if applicable.
  16. Documents uploaded for reservation category (NCC, Sports & handicapped etc.)
  17. Passport size photo 2. Nos (With name and branch of candidates written behind it)
  18. Any other documents required in the allotment Memo/Notification
  19. Authorization Letter if any (Should be in the prescribed format, Annexure XIX of KEAM Prospectus 2023)


  • An amount of Rs. 10,000/- (Approx.) would be needed during the admission process.
  • Further information (like fees, timing etc..) if any will be posted in this page only. So please visit this page regularly




Date of admission : 07/08/2023

Candidates allotted to MCA programme should register and upload all required documents through the following link. Candidates should bring print out of the registation form, during admission.

                                                Click here to register

Click here for the documents to be produced at the time of admission

Click here for the details of fee to be remitted at the time of admission

If original degree certificate or mark lists are not received from the university, the downloaded and printed versions of the degree certificates and mark lists of all parts of the qualifying examination has to be duly attested by the head of the institution/department from where he/she has completed the Degree course.




First phase allotment published in CEE Portal. Please see the guideline provided in the notification. No need to report college at this time.NEW_100px 

First phase allotment Notification 

ഒന്നാം ഘട്ട എഞ്ചിനീയറിംഗ് അലോട്ട്മെന്റ് CEE  വെബ്‌സൈറ്റിൽ പ്രസദ്ധീകരിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട്. അഡ്മിഷൻ ലഭിച്ചവർ കൂടെയുള്ള വിജ്ഞാപനത്തിൽ പറഞ്ഞ പ്രകാരം ഫീസ് അടക്കുക.

അഡ്മിഷനായി കോളേജിലേക്ക് വരേണ്ട ആവശ്യം ഇല്ല 

ഒന്നാം ഘട്ട അലോട്ട്മെന്റ് വിജ്ഞാപനം 


KEAM 2023: Engineering Option registration started 

Candidates who are qualified for admission to Engineering Courses–2023 can register their options through the website upto 26.07.2023, 11.00 AM. 

Download the CEE notification and guidelines