To evolve into a center of excellence in technology assimilation, dissemination and research for sustainable development.
To transform youth into socially, environmentally and economically committed technical personnel with research aptitude, sound technical knowledge and managerial skills by imparting quality education.
Activities and Events
The production Engineering association has been organizing seminars and workshops on a regular basis incorporating services of eminent engineers and other professionals for the benefits of the students. The department organizes a national level paper presentation contest ‘PINNACLE’ every year. The department also plays a leading role by organizing training programs in association with ISTE student chapter and student chapter of Institution of Engineers (India), Continuing Education Centre and industry Institution Interaction Cell.
1. Production Engineering Association Inaguration
Production association inaguration was conducted on 17th November 2015, Tuesday. Production Association Secretary , Mr. Abin Antony, delivered the welcome note . Prof. Jayasree N., Head of the Department, addressed the function. The chief guest Mrs. KRISHNA GOPINATH inagurated the function. After Inaguration, an interactive session was conducted among the students and a talk was delivered by the chief guest on the topic “ Contributions of Engineers to this Society”. The program was conducted in the esteemed presence of Prof. M. Parameswaran , along with other teaching and non teaching staffs in the department.
2. Workshop on modelling of LPP and solving with excel by Dr. T RadhaRamanan, Professor, NIT Calicut
The Department of Production Engineering, Govt. College of Engineering Thrissur conducted a workshop on “Modeling of linear programming problems and solving it using Excel spread sheet” on 29th August 2016 Monday under the visiting faculty scheme. The targeted audience was first and third year M. Tech. students of the department. Dr. T. Radha Ramanan from NIT Calicut was the resource person. The session elaborated on the mathematical modeling and solution of the problem “Allocation of the production facility problem”. Hands on training included modeling and solving a live problem from automotive manufacturing industry. Professor Jayasree N, Head of the Department and Umarali K, Asst.Professor, coordinated the program.
3. Mr. Ramdas T., Ph.D. scholar under the guidance of Prof. Satish K.P. finished his Ph.D. open seminar on 26th August 2016 . Topic- “Stuctural equation modelling of success and barrier factors of implementing lean manufacturing in small and medium enterprise”.
4. Mr. Biju P.L. working under Prof. Shalij P.R. finished his Ph. D. open defence on 31st August 2016 . Topic-“Investigation on improving sustainability and customer satisfaction on new product development under multi criteria decision”.
5. A seminar on “Modern Trends in Manufacturing” by Dr. P. Rajan, Scientist F, NPOL, Kochi was conducted on 22/10/2016 for B.Tech and M.Tech. students of Production Engineering department sponsored by III cell(TEQIP) and coordinated by Dr. Manjith Kumar B.
6. Second National Conference on advances in Manufacturing, Systems and Processes (NAIMSAP’13) at Production Engineering Department, Government Engineering College, Thrissur during 9-11, October, 2013, sponsored by Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme, Phase II (TEQIP Phase II) coordinated by Dr. Satish K.P
Faculty Training Programmes
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