B.Tech Degree course in Electronics and Communication Engineering
B.Tech Degree in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS).
M.Tech (Communication Engg.& Signal Processing)M.Tech (VLSI and Embedded Systems)
Ph.D for Electronics and Communication
The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering was started in the year 1983 with an annual intake of 15 students for the Bachelor of Technology program. The intake has been gradually increased to 120 in the first year with additional 12 lateral entry students (from third semester). In the year academic year 2024-25, a new B.Tech programme - Cyber Physical Systems (Code: CB) introduced to meet current trends in electronics. The year 2003, the landmark of department’s history, the department was shifted to new building infrastructure with 3707.5 Sq.m area. Spacious laboratories, classrooms, seminar hall, waiting rooms for boys & girls, library and plenty of other amenities are the main attributes of the department. In 2010, an M. Tech program in Communication Engineering & Signal Processing began with an intake of 18 students. In the year 2015, a turning point in academics, we have conducted an international conference E-SPACE. In 2016, the department became a Research Centre of APJAKTU. The Dept. participates in the biennial international conference ICETEST in the Electronics, Communication and Signal Processing stream. In 2020 department has started a new M. Tech. programme in VLSI & Embedded Systems with an intake of 18 students. An additional division of B.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering has got KTU and AICTE approval. Dept. has also proposed a new B.Tech program in Cyber Physical Systems and an M.Tech program in Robotics and Automation. The Electronics & Communication Engineering Association regularly conduct the technical event “Quintessence”. Sports, games and arts festivals and competitions are also co-ordinated by the ECE association. Hard working students, faculty and technical supporting staff are the distinctive characteristics of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering. Research guidance is offered by faculty of the department in various areas. Currently there are 3 full time and 3 part-time PhD scholars in the Dept. Read more...
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