To be a Premier Institution of Excellence in Engineering Education and Research for Sustainable Development.


i.Provide Quality Education in Engineering and Technology
ii.Foster Passion for Research
iii.Transform the Students into Committed Technical Personnel for the Social and Economic Wellbeing of the Nation

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GEC Thrissur CCF

Advisory Committee

Principal, GEC Thrissur
Dr. Ajay James, Associate Professor & HoD, CSE
Dr. Sminesh C N, Associate Professor & HoD, MCA
Prof. Rahamathulla K, CCF Coordinator
Mr. Premkumr M P, CCF Co Coordinator
Mr. Sebastian Sabu A A, Computer Programmer

Working Group

Prof. Rahamathulla K, CCF Coordinator
Mr. Premkumr M P, CCF Co Coordinator
Mr. Sebastian Sabu A A, Computer Programmer
Mr. Abhirag, Technical support staff posted by PTA